What You Can Expect

And so dawns the age Of Stories and Stress Relief. Happy new year :)

Road to El Dorado references aside, welcome! I'm really excited to be blogging again, and I appreciate y'all taking the time out of your day to read my stuff.
seriously, thanks for reading my nonsense

I figured since I was basically starting from scratch, I should probably give everyone a heads-up and basically brief y'all on what to expect.

For starters, on the matter of schedules, I'll try to post every Tuesday and Friday. Those days will be reserved for bigger posts. If I feel like doing something smaller throughout the week, I will.

Then there's the matter of what I will be posting. 

Like most Bloggers, I'm a lover of Tags, so I'll do them when/if I'm tagged in any. May even make one of my own... at some point that is not now. For regular posts, I will be doing blog-type-things--reviews, opinions, lists of various kinds, perhaps even essays--related to stories of various kinds (such as books, movies, shows--so on, so forth). I will also most likely be sharing snippets of things I'm working on. What kinds of snippets? What am I even working on? You shall see, you shall see. For more random posts, I'll be writing whatever I feel like writing. Poems, perhaps? Questions? Reflections? I may even just share some aesthetic pictures and quotes.

Safe to say, there will be plenty of content.

Now that you have a vague understand of what/when I will post, we can move on to ✨social interactions!!✨ If you wish to comment, please do! As every blogger I'm aware of will tell you, COMMENTS ARE WHERE IT'S AT! We blog folk love a good comment. As such, I'll try to prompt comments in my posts, such as including questions or what not. If you wish to comment on something not pertaining to the questions (ex. if I read a book and ask about chapters but you wanna talk about characters), that is also a-ok. If you wish to do this regularly and receive updates whenever I post, just see the "subscribe" button up in the right corner of the blog :) 

So, there you have it! That's what to expect. I hope you enjoy my blog! 

Do you have comments? Suggestions? Place it in the comments,


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