My Thoughts on Jane Eyre

Hey, readers!

It's time for... my thoughts on Jane Eyre! It's a Gothic classic, or so I've heard.

It's been awhile since I've reviewed a book... I'm lazy like that. But, this was requested, so I'm gonna do it.

Spoilers ahead if you've never read/seen any of the various renditions of Jane Eyre.

And now, my thoughts.

I detest the entire Reed family. Always have, always will.

"So, I would often go off by myself to read in my own private world--"
Hey, look, it's all of us.

I really enjoy Bessie, Ms. Temple, and Helen Burns. They're little rays on sunshine in Jane's dark life.

Lowood sounds terrible! Ooh, I could slap Mr. Brocklehurst...!

I felt really bad for Jane when Helen died. Poor Jane...and Helen. Poor Helen, as she, y' know--died.

Mrs. Fairfax seems really nice and homely.

I also like Adele... the girl from the story, not the singer.

Oh, and, I love how Jane and Mr. Rochester meet! Mysterious and even a touch comedic.

Edward--Mr. Rochester--has a very intriguing personality. While I do not approve of a good deal of things he does, I liked learning more about him through the book.

I've always wanted to wake someone by splashing water on them... not under those circumstances, though.

I feel kinda bad for Grace Poole... she's always getting blamed Bertha's shenanigans. I know she's being compensated well, but still; must be a bummer.

"If she refuses, tell her I shall come upstairs and carry her down." 
Well, Mr. Rochester, aren't you a persistent little son of a gun? 

I think Edward's gypsy idea was genius. Manipulative, yes, but genius. Jane finding out it was him due to the ring was an excellent bit of deduction as well, in my opinion.

Also, I love Edward's reaction when he learns that Mr. Mason is there.

Am I wrong in detesting Mrs. Reed, even on her "repenting" (cough-cough-blame-and-excuses-cough) death bed?

If I were Jane, I wouldn't have stayed away so long... at the same time, should I have been Jane, I would have slapped Mr. Rochester; making Jane feel jealous and lowly was a jerk move.

All the same, I feel terrible bad for Edward. His marriage(s) is/(are) ruined, his lunatic wife attacks him, and his lover runs away.

I really like Diana and Mary... John is ok too, I suppose. I just wasn't a fan of his persistence in trying to get Jane to marry him. She said no, my dude. Move on.

But, goody, Jane goes back to... a pile of rubble. Fun.

But, eventually, she and Edward get their happy ending... Edward even gets his vision back  (he looses it when the mansion burns down)!

In summary; I really like this book! It's dark and parts could be considered problematic, but I think thats the point of a dark novel. 4/5 stars, would (and do) recommend.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts! :)

    "The girl from the story, not the singer." xD

    I like Jane Eyre (one does not simply DISlike Jane Eyre), but it's not my favorite. Though that's mostly just because it's a Gothic romance, and I just don't like that genre…anyway, I do enjoy it!

  2. Thank you for reviewing it! I didn't read everything to avoid spoilers, but I'll have to come back and finish this when I read the book for school next year:)

  3. Note to Bekah: Don't ever even contemplate waking Grandpa or Grandma with won't go well...just sayin! Gma


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