Tuck Everlasting Answers/Activities

Hey, readers!

Ok, sorry for my disappearance. But, guess what? I have actually been productive during my absence! Woohoo!

Anyway, in my copy of Natalie Babbit's Tuck Everlasting, at the very end of the book there's a few pages of questions and activities. 

This post is going to be me answering those questions and doing those activities :D
(Due to the sadness level, I haven't read the book in almost a year, so this should be interesting.)

1. In the prologue, the author describes three things that happen on one day and then come together in a strange way. What are these three things?
Mae went for a ride, Winnie ran away, and the yellow-suit-guy came to town.

2. What does Winnie see in the woods that causes the Tucks to kidnap her?
She sees Jesse drinking the water.

3. What happened to the Tucks that made them realize tablet the spring water they drank was magical?
I think Jesse or Miles fell out of a tree.

4. Compare the Tucks family with Winnie's family. What does Winnie like better about the Tucks?

5. Explain why the man in the yellow sit follows Winnie to Tuck's house. What does he hope to gain?
He suspects their involvement with the magical water, so he follows, hoping to gain the magical water. 

6. What advice would you give Winnie about being with the Tucks? Would you tell her to stay, or run away?
I'd say they're good people with live sad lives who would benefit from having another constant. The part of me that's read the story would tell her to stay with them. But, theres the other part aware of the untold story. Did her family change? How'd she meet the man who became her husband? She had kids, I think, and grandkids... those people wouldn't exist had she not stayed with her family. So, the dreamer says go off with the Tucks. The thinker says stay at home.

7. Why does Tuck take Winnie out to the rowboat? What message does he give her about living forever?
He tells her about the downsides to being immortal, that it's unpleasant, and why the water must be kept a secret.

8. What motives does Mae Tuck have for killing the man in the yellow suit? What arguments do you have to support her action? What arguments do you have against it?
I can't answer this without ranting. But, yellow-suit-guy totally had it coming, in my mind.

9. Why is Winnie so worried about Mae Tuck going to the gallows? What might happen if they did?
Because if she went to the gallows everyone would find out that the Tucks are immortal.

10. How would the story be different if the man in the yellow suit had not died? What might have happened to the world and the Tucks?
No. Just no.

11. What meaning does the toad have for Winnie? Why do you think she pours the magical water over it? What do we learn about the toad in the epilogue to the story?
I don't know, because she's young and quick to act, and the toad is a cocky son of a nutcracker.

12. If you had the same choice as Winnie, would you have taken a drink of the spring water? Why or why not?
If i WAS Winnie, I think I'd drink it when I turned 17. But, as I am not Winnie but myself who doesn't know any immortals and has a great family, no. I would not drink it, because I don't wanna have to outlive everyone I love. Plus, being around at the end-times sounds unpleasant by every account.

13. Why do you think Natalie Babbitt wrote this book? What thoughts does she want to share with her readers?
Who knows. Guess she was feeling existential one day?

14. Do you think Winnie led a happy life? How do you think the Tucks may have changed the way she lived? 
I think she most likely had bittersweet reminiscent moments toward the times with the Tucks, and would even perhaps wander off into day dreams about what might have been--but, yes. I think she had a happy life--complete with a lesson from the Tucks to appreciate what, and who, you have.

Now, onto the activities!

1. Draw an illustrated map of the main settings in Tuck Everlasting. Label tej places that plat an important role in the story.

2. Imagine that you could choose to stay the same age forever. What age would you choose? Listen three reasons why you would want to stay that age forever. List three problems with staying that age forever.
25. I'd be able to drive, have a job, and get married. Um.....I can only think of two, the first being I'd have to watch all my friends and family (including my husband, Ilse :D) die while I stay the same, and the second bad thing would be that I'd be alive when God ends the world. That would be unfortunate for me.

3. Imagine the Tucks are everlasting and still wandering the earth. Write a description of them if they came into your town this year. Describe where you might see them, what they would be doing, and how you would recognize them. 

I sit on a chair at church. We're early; my friends haven't arrived yet. I hear a door open, and jump up excitedly. With a hopeful turn, I do not see friends. Instead, I see a family of four. A middle aged pair, a grown man... and a teen, not much older than myself. "Good morning," I chime on impulse.
"Hello," The woman smiles at me. It's a friendly smile.
"Are y'all new here?" I ask.  "I haven't been here long, but I can't say you look familiar."
"Oh, no, this is our first time here," The oldest man says.
"We're having a family get-together, so we're just passing through." The grown son adds.
"Oh, I see. Well, I hope you enjoy your visit. My name's Rebekah, my dad's the pastor here."
"I'm Jesse. That's my mum, my pa, and my brother Miles." It's the younger son this time, the one only a bit older than me. Cute thing.
"It sure is nice to meet you, Rebekah. You can call me Tuck, Misses Tuck."
"Tuck?" I say coyly, as done any bookworm upon hearing a literary last name.
"Yep, and I'm the head of the family," Her husband nods. "How do y' do?"
I go to reply, but pause. My brain works quickly as my face falls. Their names, their appearance, their sound...it couldn't be. Could it? "Tuck?" I repeat.
Miles shares a glance with Jesse. "Yeah, that's what they said."
"HAHA. YES. I AM GREAT. AND YOU?" I say, trying to act cool.
The stare at me for a moment. 
"Um, we're good." Jesse said.
Mrs. Tuck frowns. "Yes, it is. Why?"
"Oh, no reason," I say with a shrug, attempting to calm down. It fails, and I shriek, hugging each of them in childish glee. "ARE Y'ALL REALLY IMMORTAL?"
Adrenaline pumping, I punch Miles in the gut. He stumbles a few steps back. He looks shocked, but not pained.
"That wouldn't really do it, I suppose. Hold on, I'll get a knife--" "Whoa, whoa, wait," The police officer taking my statement interrupts. "You expect us to believe that the guy you attacked was a fictional man?"
"I'm telling the truth! Honest!" I say, gesturing feebly in my handcuffs. "Why do you think he wasn't hurt, huh? I tried to explain to the lady, but she still called the cops!"
"Yeah, Bert, this one's a loon..." Two years later, when I got out of Juvie, I would conclude my diary entry with "and that's how I meant the Tucks. I think I may have over reacted, but I don't know."

Thanks for reading!
~Bekah the Bookworm


  1. I haven't read the book, but I have it. Nice story! Also, I can think of another sad thing: You wouldn't be able to share old age with your husband.

    1. Ahhhhh. I just re-read the post and was confused as to why I said "including my Husband, Ilse". I can now recollect why I did that :)

  2. Hahaha! These were awesome;)

    HOWEVER. Winnie is not an idiot and the toad is not a jerk!!! Hehe. I really like Winnie, and I think she made the right choice...even though...I mean...JESSE!!! *cries*

    Hahaha, your answer to what your reaction would be if you met the Tucks!!! XD

    "So after I got out of Juvie..." XD

    These were a lot of fun and I really enjoyed reading them!:D

    1. Thanks.
      And, yes, I said that Winnie's idiocy was up for debate... but, the toad is a jerk. I believe that Winnie thinks she made the right choice, and I suppose one could get to the conclusion that she DID make the right choice. However, if I were her, I would have drunk the water and goes to live with Jesse.
      I just imagine I'd be sent to Juvie for over-reacting ;)

      I'm glad you liked the post!

  3. YES YES YES. I just read the book and...THE TUCKS ARE EVERYTHING.


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